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Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's time we stand up for our rights.

It's time for us to gather and fight the food manufacturers for using chemicals in our foods.   Too many people have diabetes or celiac desease because of the chemicals.  We don't need sugar or corn syrup solids added to our cereals or any other foods.  Even when they say "sugar free", you'll find the corn syrup solids which will still raise your levels when you do your glucose testing.   Since when do we also need 13 grams of sugar in skim milk?   Let's set our foot down and see what we can do to save millions of children who will end up with diabetes because of obesity.  I for one at 59 have to alter how I eat just to keep from going on a ton of drugs to control my blood sugars.   Somewhere along the line, something has gone really wrong.